Wake up!

Guru Sri Subramanium the founder of Skanda Vale and Somaskanda Ashram urges us to stop daydreaming and start living consciously from moment to moment with love. From a Swiss Seminar in 2003. "Use your senses, don’t make them so dull! Worship the Lord with all your might, with all your [...]

2021-04-20T15:44:05+02:0027 May 2016|

Assisted dying

Discourse on the issue of assisted dying given by Swami Suryananda in July, 2014 Divine friends. In the last couple of weeks, we have seen a lot of adharma and killing in the news. There’s been the shooting down of the plane over the Ukraine and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. In this [...]

2019-10-09T18:40:19+02:0026 August 2014|
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