Retreat: Connecting with the Divine in our everyday life

Friday 28th to Sunday 30th June

Come and enjoy the stunning nature and peaceful silence of the Swiss Alps for three days. Through Satsang and worship, experience how to improve  and maintain a connection with God in our everyday lives and return home spiritually refreshed. 

The Swamis and members of the Skanda Vale community will lead the retreat.


Arrival on Friday at 2 pm or earlier
Departure on Sunday from 12 pm (noon)

Friday 28 June
14:00 Latest arrival time. Arrival is also possible on the days before.
15:00 – 17:00 Herb and flower trail around the mountain meadows. Led by Rosmarie Niggli, an experienced local expert 
19:00 – 20:00 Puja (worship), 108 names Divine Mother
20:00 – 21:00 Supper and getting to know each other
Saturday 29 June
06:00 – 07:00 Puja, 108 names Subramanium
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:30 – 11:30 Satsang (spiritual discourse), questions & answers
12:00 – 13:30 Abishekum Somaskanda Murthi, Vishnu and Lakshmi, 108 names Shiva
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:30 – 17:30 Satsang, questions & answers
19:00 – 20:00 Puja, 108 names of Divine Mother
20:00 – 21:00 Supper
Sunday 30 June
06:00 – 07:00 Puja, 108 names Subramanium
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:30 – 11:30 Satsang, questions & answers
12:00 – 13:30 Mahabishekum Somaskanda Murthi, 108 names Shiva
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch
From 12:00 Departure
Friday 28 June
14:00 Latest arrival time. Arrival is also possible on the days before.
15:00 Herb and flower trail around the mountain meadows. Led by Rosmarie Niggli, an experienced local expert 
19:00 Puja (worship), 108 names Divine Mother
20:00 Supper and getting to know each other
Saturday 29 June
06:00 Puja, 108 names Subramanium
08:00 Breakfast
09:30 Satsang (spiritual discourse), questions & answers
12:00 Abishekum Somaskanda Murthi, Vishnu and Lakshmi, 108 names Shiva
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Satsang, questions & answers
19:00 Puja, 108 names of Divine Mother
20:00 Supper
Sunday 30 June
06:00 Puja, 108 names Subramanium
08:00 Breakfast
09:30 Satsang, questions & answers
12:00 Mahabishekum Somaskanda Murthi, 108 names Shiva
14:00 Lunch
From 12:00 Departure



Please register online by the 15th June. Cancellations must also be submitted by the 15th June.

The retreat is open to everyone aged 15 and above. There are only spaces for 30 participants but please sign up for the waiting list even if places are not available. We will let you know if vacancies arise.


The ashram is funded solely through anonymous and voluntary donations and is run by volunteers. In this spirit, the retreat, including accommodation and catering, is offered free of charge and is funded by the kind and voluntary donations of the participants.  Daily chores such as cooking, cleaning, etc. are carried out with the help of the participants.


There are 20 beds available in the ashram itself, in simple, shared dormitories (please bring your own sleeping bag). 

External accommodation either at the top of the mountain (Hotel Arflina) or down in the valley, can be booked privately at your own expense.


Delicious, blessed vegetarian food will be served at all meals.

Please take note

If you wish to attend the retreat, please make sure that you can attend for the full duration. Late arrivals or early departures will cause disruptions and are not permitted. 

We regret that the retreat is not suitable for children as the local facilities are unsuitable for childcare. Unfortunately, no childcare will be provided for parents.

Somaskanda Ashram is located in the mountains at an altitude of 1800 metres. As the weather can change quickly, we ask you to bring warm, comfortable and weatherproof clothing and footwear. Even inside the temple it can get quite chilly.

You will be responsible for making your own travel arrangements. The Heuberge bus drives as far as 350 metres to below the ashram where there is a 15-minute walk uphill on a rough mountain track. This track is not suitable for wheeled suitcases and we strongly recommend using rucksacks.  People with health issues may be picked up at the bus stop by the temple team (please let us know the arrival time in advance). 

There are no parking options at the ashram and it is not permitted to drive  from the Heuberge road up to the ashram. Please use the public car park 2 km further on towards Heuberge.

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